PAOC Colloquium (PAOCQ) – Raffaele Ferrari (MIT)

September 25, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
54-915 and Zoom

“The abyssal ocean: its dynamics and its role in climate”

Abstract: In this lecture I will review recent advances in our understanding of the role played by turbulence in setting the overall structure of the oceans. I will focus both on the deep ocean, where the impact of turbulence is strongly modulated by the presence of topography. The presentation will start with some theoretical arguments followed up by results from a very recent field campaign. I will conclude by discussing the implications of these results for our undressing of the global ocean circulation and its role in the climate system.

About this series: The PAOC Colloquium is a weekly interdisciplinary seminar series that brings together the whole PAOC community. Seminar topics include all research concerning the physics, chemistry, and biology of the atmospheres, oceans and climate, but also talks about e.g. societal impacts of climatic processes. The seminars take place on Monday from 12-1pm. Contact for more information and Zoom password.