Houghton Lecture – Sue van den Heever (CSU)

October 19, 2023 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
54-915 and Zoom https://mit.zoom.us/j/94961066971

“The Atmospheric Analysis Triumvirate: Using Theory, Observations and Models to Understand Convective Storms”

While much can be learned about the microphysical and dynamical processes comprising deep convective storms through the independent use of theoretical, observational or modeling approaches, significant additional benefits may be gained by combining these approaches. The strength of this combined analysis approach will be demonstrated using a number of examples. In the first case, the theoretical approach to calculating convective cold pool propagation speeds will be evaluated using cold pool observations obtained during three field campaigns conducted in different parts of the world. Reasons for the shortfalls in the theoretical cold pool propagation formulation will be provided. A demonstration of the strengths of combining modeling and observations in assessing the temporal and spatial variability of cold pools will also be presented. In the second example, a newly developed cloud object tracking tool in which observational and modeling data can be jointly tracked in time will be introduced. Use of this tool facilitates model validation approaches and also provides insight into the processes responsible for observations. Thirdly, the environmental variability within ERA5 reanalysis will be compared with that produced within high-resolution models. Finally, a statistical framework for evaluating rain microphysics in model simulations and disdrometer observations, together with the resultant model improvements, will be presented.

About this series: Supported through the Houghton Fund, Houghton Lecturers are distinguished visitors from outside MIT invited to spend a period of time, ranging from a week to several months, as scientists-in-residence within the EAPS Program on Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate (PAOC). During their stay it is customary for each lecturer to offer a short-course or a series of lectures on some topic of wide interest. For more information and Zoom password please contact Kayla Bauer (kbauer@mit.edu)