ERL FISH Seminar – Yuesu Jin (MIT)

October 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
54-209 and Zoom

Title: Experimental and numerical study of the pressure surge effect and magma chamber resonance

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce two works I did during my Ph.D. study. The first work is on laboratory verification of the pressure amplification effect that occurred in a fluid-filled fracture. With my collaborator, I designed and built a low-frequency underwater system to study the pressure variation in a fluid-filled fracture. We found that the fluid pressure in the fracture can be amplified dynamically up to 25.2 times larger. The second work is on the half-space boundary element modeling of the magma chamber resonance. We found that the free surface’s presence can enhance the resonance energy of the magma chamber and generate the long period, long duration signal more efficiently.Bio: Dr. Jin is a postdoctoral associate under the supervision of Dr. Aimé Fournier and Dr. Laurent Demanet in ERL. Before joining MIT, he finished his Ph.D. in geophysics at the University of Houston. During his Ph.D. study, he did a laboratory experiment to study the pressure amplification effect in the fluid-filled fracture and developed a half-space boundary element method to study the magma chamber resonance. His current research focuses on permeability estimation in the borehole.

Aboout the series: The MIT Earth Resources Laboratory’s Friday Informal Seminar Series (FISH) features talks by our lab members as well as special guests from academia and the energy industry on our areas of interest including geothermal energy, carbon sequestration, machine learning for geophysics, multiphase flow, subsurface imaging, and uncertainty quantification. Titles and abstracts will be posted here when available. For more info or Zoom password please contact