Featured Stories
Featured Stories | April 23, 2018
Study: Health benefits Will Offset Cost of China’s Climate Policy
A 4 percent reduction per year in carbon dioxide emissions should net $339 billion in health savings in 2030, researchers estimate. -
Featured Stories | April 23, 2018
Urban Planning for a Changing Climate
Harvard's Science in the News (SITN) speaks with John Bolduc, the Environmental Planner for the City of Cambridge, and MIT Professor Kerry Emanuel about what local communities are doing to address the challenges climate change is creating for urban infrastructure. -
Featured Stories | April 17, 2018
Featured Video: MIT’s meteorology pioneers
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences honors trailblazing professors Jule Charney and Edward Lorenz with a tribute to their lives and legacies. -
Featured Stories | April 9, 2018
Microbial Competition for Nitrogen
New framework shows how ecological interactions among microorganisms account for nitrite accumulation just below the sunlit zone, with implications for oceanic carbon and nitrogen cycling. -
Featured Stories | March 24, 2018
Celebrating the Science of Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz
MIT professors Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz profoundly shaped the field of meteorology during their lifetimes. Charney laid the groundwork for numerical weather prediction and saw it transform nearly every aspect of the field, while Lorenz changed our conception of weather from deterministic phenomena to chaos. -
Featured Stories | March 23, 2018
This is What a Scientist Looks Like
Researchers from MIT EAPS celebrate women in science at MIT Museum’s Girls Day. -
Featured Stories | March 19, 2018
Unearthing Long-Gone Hurricanes
MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography graduate student Lizzie Wallace hunts for buried scientific treasure. -
Featured Stories | March 9, 2018
Foray into Weather Forecasting
Students learn about synoptic meteorology and weather forecasting during the 2018 Independent Activities Period -
Featured Stories | March 7, 2018
Storied Women of MIT: Eugenia Kalnay
Eugenia Kalnay (PhD ‘71) is a world-renowned meteorologist and the first woman to earn a PhD in Meteorology from MIT. Storied Women of MIT is a series of 60-second historical profiles of MIT faculty, students, researchers, and staff highlighting the role of women at the Institute from its founding to today. -
Featured Stories | February 28, 2018
Where Fresh is Cool in Bay of Bengal
Monsoon runoff generates cool tendrils at surface, cuts off nutrients -
Featured Stories | February 15, 2018
PAOC Goes to Ocean Sciences 2018
Look out for the EAPS Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate (PAOC) sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 11-16 in Portland, Oregon. -
Featured Stories | February 14, 2018
Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change
Joint Program researchers advocate for improved modeling approach. -
Featured Stories | February 13, 2018
Intensive Agriculture Influences U.S. Regional Summer climate, Study Finds
An increase in corn and soybean production in the Midwest may have led to cooler, wetter summers there. -
Featured Stories | February 12, 2018
MIT on Chaos and Climate: A Celebration of Two Pioneers of Modern Meteorology
MIT atmospheric scientists and trailblazers Jule Charney and Edward Lorenz gave us numerical weather prediction and chaos theory, highlighting the value of basic research. -
Featured Stories | February 2, 2018
Outstanding at AGU 2017
Two from EAPS awarded for their 2017 AGU presentation. Congratulations to graduate students Daniel Gilford and Clara Maurel who have been awarded an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) for their presentations at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union held in New Orleans in December. -
Featured Stories | February 1, 2018
Climate Science and Policy, 2018
Joint Program IAP courses review fundamentals and explore emerging trends -
Featured Stories | January 29, 2018
MIT on Chaos and Climate
A Two-Day Centenary Celebration of Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz -
Featured Stories | January 25, 2018
Flood Risk Under an Uncertain Future Climate
Joint Program researcher assesses the threat and how Cambridge can prepare -
Featured Stories | January 22, 2018
Meet the Postdocs of E25
Contributing to the Program of Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate’s McGee, Boyle and Summons labs -
Featured Stories | January 19, 2018
Twelve School of Science Faculty Members Appointed to Named Professorships
The School of Science has appointed 12 faculty members to named professorships, including Timothy Cronin and Susan Solomon, professors of atmospheres and climate.
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